Demonstration in support of FWPC office in PNG Demonstrasi mendukung kantor FWPC di PNG

On 26 November 2013, 28 demonstrators, including three women, were arrested during demonstrations in Jayapura. The demonstrations were held to support the opening of a Free West Papua Campaign office in Papua New Guinea and the Sorong to Samarai campaign. The 12 demonstrators who remain in detention have been denied access to lawyers and have been charged with Article 170 and 135 of the Indonesian Criminal Code and Emergency Law 12/1951 for possession of homemade weapons and ammunition. Pada 26 November 2013, 28 para demonstran, termasuk tiga perempuan, ditangkap di sebuah demonstrasi di Jayapura. Demonstrasi tersebut mendukung pembukaan kantor Free West Papua Campaign (Kampanye Papua Barat Merdeka) dan kampanye Sorong ke Samarai. 12 para demonstran yang masih dalam tahanan telah ditolak akses ke pengacara hukum dan didakwa dengan Pasal 170 dan 135 KUHP dan UU Darurat 12/1951 untuk kepemilikan senjata buatan dan amunisi.
