KIP treason arrests Kasus makar, KIP

On 14 April 2015, five men were arrested in Jayapura on treason charges following a meeting with the Indonesian Minister of Defense, General Ryamizard Ryacudu on 10 April in Jakarta.  A four-person delegation from the Independent Papua Committee (Komisi Independen Papua, KIP) which included Dr Don Flassy, Dr Lawrence Mehue, Mas Jhon Ebied Suebu and Onesimus Banundi met witht he minister. The meeting was facilitated by Heni Tan Fere, a staff member with the Department of National Unity and Politics (Kesatuan Bangsa dan Politik, Kesbangpol) in Papua. On 14 April, the four KIP members returned to Jayapura where they were arrested by police and taken to Jayapura Regional police station. Another man, Elias Ayakeding, was also arrested the same day, due to his involvement with KIP. On 15 April, Flassy and Mehue were charged with treason under Article 106 of the Indonesian Criminal Code. Suebu and Banundi were charged with treason and rebellion under Articles 106 and 108. Ayakeding was charged with treason and incitement under Articles 106 and 160. While Heni Tan Fere was not charged, police stated that she was still under investigation.

On 5 May, KontraS Papua lawyers reported that the five men had been released on bail but remain under city arrest and are obliged to report to the police once a week. They remain at risk of re-arrest and prosecution.
