A report provided by a local activist who has interviewed Boas Gombo states that on 27 February, Gombo was on his way back to Yako Vanimo in Sandaun Province, Papua New Guinea from the border market in Maura Tami district, Jayapura, when he was reportedly stopped and severely beaten by Nurdin Makuasang, an Indonesian police official stationed at the border, at around 15:00, local time. Gombo fled Yako Vanimo, but reportedly returned the next day to confront the police official regarding the abuse inflicted on him. The information received reports that Gombo, in a state of anger, lowered and folded an Indonesian flag, while shouting protests against police brutality in Papua. He was then arrested and detained overnight at the Muara Tami district police station.
In detention Gombo was handcuffed and then severely beaten with rattan sticks, metal beams and rifle butts, and kicked by officers wearing jackboots. This resulted in injuries including a torn lower lip, mouth injuries, a crushed ankle and wounds to his knees. The following day on 1 March, he was transferred to Jayapura Regency Police Station where he was interrogated for two days. At the time of interrogation he was not given access to legal counsel. At the end of the interrogation, he was detained in a cell in the police station in a deteriorating condition as a result of the ill treatment he had endured the previous day. He was denied access to medical attention and visits from his family. On 8 April, his case was transferred to the Public Prosecutor and he was moved to Abepura prison.
On 2 July, Boas Gombo was sentenced to nine months minus time already spent in detention, charged with Articles 24 and 66 of Law 24/2009 on the Flag, Language, Symbols of the State and the National Anthem, which carries a maximum penalty of 5 years’ imprisonment. While human rights lawyers requested for Gombo to be accompanied by legal counsel, he remained unrepresented throughout the trial.
On 14 September 2013, local human rights sources report that since 11 September, Gombo’s mental health declined rapidly due to the severe beatings he had suffered during detention in Muara Tami District Police station, including multiple blows to the head. He did not reportedly receive adequate medical treatment whilst in Abepura prison, and was only given sedatives. On 27 September 2013, Gombo was released on parole and required to report to the police for two months.
Email communication with local human rights source, April – September 2013
Report received by local human rights worker entitled, “Mohon Advokasi Sakit Jiwa Boas Gombo,” 14 September 2013
Report received by a local source entitled, “Kronologis Penangkapan Boas Gombo.” Laporan yang diterima dari seorang aktivis setempat yang telah mewawancarai Boas Gombo mengatakan bahwa pada tanggal 27 Februari, Gombo sedang dalam perjalanan kembali ke Yako Vanimo di Kabupaten Sandaun, Papua Nugini dari pasar perbatasan di wilayah Maura Tami, Jayapura, apabila ia dilapor dihenti dan dipukul hebat oleh Nurdin Makausang, seorang anggota polisi Indonesia yang berada di perbatasan, sekitar 15:00 waktu Papua. Gombo melarikan diri dari Yako Vanimo, tetapi dilaporkan mengembali hari berikutnya untuk berhadapan muka dengan anggota polisi tersebut mengenai perlakuan kejam ditimpakan kepadanya. Informasi yang diterima melaporkan bahwa Gombo, dalam keadaan marah, menurunkan dan melipatkan bendera NKRI, sementara berteriak protes melawan kebrutalan polisi di Papua. Ia kemudian ditangkap dan ditahan semalam di Polsek Muara Tami.
Dalam penahanan Gombo diborgol dan kemudian dipukul berat dengan batang rotan, batang besi dan ujung senapan, dan ditendang oleh anggota memakai sepatu lars. Ini mengakibatkan cedera bibir bawah sobek, luka mulut, tumit kaki digilas dan dan lutut kaki sebelah-sebelah pukul berdarah. Hari berikutnya pada 1 Maret, dia dipindah ke Polresta Jayapura di mana dia diinterogasi untuk dua hari. Pada masa interogasi dia tidak diberi akses ke penasehat hukum. Selepas diinterogasi, dia ditahan di rutan Polresta dalam kondisi memburuk akibat penganiayaan dihadapi pada hari sebelumnya. Dia ditolak akses ke sorotan medis dan kujungan dari keluarganya. Pada 8 April, kasusnya dilimpahkan ke JPU dan dia dipindah ke LP Abepura.
Pada 2 Juli, Boas Gombo dihukum ke sembilan bulan penjara kurang waktu sudah dihabiskan dalam tahanan, didakwa dengan Pasal 24 dan 66 UU 24/2009 tentang Bendera, Bahasa dan Lambang Negara serta Lagu Kebangsaan, yang diancam hukuman maksimal lima tahun penjara. Walaupun pengacara HAM meminta Gombo didampingi pengacara hukum, ia tetap tidak diwakili sepanjang proses persidangan.
Pada 14 September 2013, sumber HAM setempat melaporkan bahwa sejak 11 September, kesehatan mental Gombo menurun secara drastis akibat pukulan berat ia menderita semasa ditahan di Polsek Muara Tami, termasuk beberapa pukulan hebat ke kepalanya. Ia dilaporkan tidak menerima perawatan medis yang memadai sementara di LP Abepura, dan hanya diberi obat penenang. Pada tanggal 27 September 2013, Gombo dibebaskan bersyarat dan diwajib lapor ke polisi untuk dua bulan.
Komunikasi email dengan sumber HAM setempat, April – September 2013
Laporan diterima oleh pekerja HAM setempat berjudul, “Mohon Advokasi Sakit Jiwa Boas Gombo,” 14 September 2013
Laporan diterima oleh sumber setempat berjudul, “Kronologis Penangkapan Boas Gombo.”