Very limited information about the case of Dipenus Wenda, Wetius Wenda and Tepenat Wenda is publicly available. According to the monthly West Papua report published on the ETAN website, the three men, along with Marius Kogoya had been giving out leaflets campaigning for an boycott of the April 5th elections when the police arrested them. in the Bokondini area of Papua’s Central Highlands. That article does not give a date for their arrest, although a later email circulated by Koteka Prisoner Support states that the four men were arrested on March 29th 2004.

Marius Kogoya was shot dead while in police custody. The police’s version of events, as reported in the Cenderawasih Pos and the Jakarta Post, was that Mr Kogoya had fought back while under interrogation. In other reports (eg the report published by ETAN), the police claim that Mr Kogoya was trying to escape arrest at the time. The police also claimed that the four arrested men had admitted to being members of the OPM.

The email from Koteka prisoner support relates that in early May the three survivors were being held under arrest in Wamena hospital, but doesn’t give details of injuries or illnesses.

The the Justice and Peace Secretariat (SKP), in their chronology of events connected to human rights in Papua, have reported from the 6th session of the three men’s court case on the 23rd November, however there is no report of the verdict or sentence.

Depinus Wenda was listed as being still in prison by the Democracy Alliance for Papua in 2011 but this has not been confirmed. The fates of Wetius and Tepenat Wenda are unclear.


ETAN / Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Center, “Papua Report April 2004”, April 2004,

Koteka Prisoner Support, “West Papua Prisoner Support Week”, 6 May 2004,

Cenderawasih Pos, “Keterangan Kapolsek Memberatkan Terdakwa”, 9 November 2004,

Jakarta Post, “Police Shoot Dead Separatist Ahead of Voting Day”, 5 April 2004,

Sekretariat Keadilan dan Perdamaian Keuskupan Jayapura, “Catatan Sosio-Politik No 10”, February 2005,

Aliansi Demokrasi untuk Papua, (unfortunately ALDP has changed its website and its archive seems to be no longer online, so this information is no longer available to check online) Informasi mengenai Dipendus Wenda yang tersedia secara public sangatlah terbatas. Menurut laporan bulanan East Timor Action Network (ETAN) mengenai Papua Barat, Wenda ditahan oleh pihak kepolisian Indonesia, bersama dengan Wetius Wenda, Tepenat Wenda, dan Marius Kogoya, saat membagikan selebaran untuk mengajak masyarakat umum untuk memboikot pemilihan umum 5 April 2004. Mereka ditahan didaerah Bokondini, daerah pusat Pegungungan Tengah Papua. Artikel laporan tersebut tidak menyatakan tanggal terjadinya penahanan ini, tetapi sebuah email yang disirkulasikan oleh Koteka Prisoner Support melalui Yahoo Group, menyebutkan tanggal penahanan keempat orang tersebut tertanggal 29 Maret 2004.

Marius Kogoya ditembak mati saat berada dalam penahanan pihak kepolisian Indonesia. Menurut versi polisi, yang dilaporkan dalam koran setempat dan nasional, Cendrawasih Pos dan Jakarta Post, Kogoya melawan balik pada saat diinterogasi. Laporan oleh ETAN menyatakan pihak kepolisian berseru bahwa Kogoya sedang berusaha kabur dari penahanan saat tertembak mati. Pihak PolRi juga menyatakan bahwa keempat orang tahanan ini mengakui menjadi anggota OPM.

Email dari Koteka Prisoner Support juga menghubungkan kejadian awal Mei ini dimana 3 orang berada dalam tahanan di Rumah Sakit Wamena, tetapi penyakit dan keterangan lanjutnya dirahasiakan oleh pihak yang berwenang.

Sekretariat untuk Keadilan dan Perdamaian (SKP), dalam kronologi mereka mengenai HAM di Papua, melaporkan dari sesi ke-enam pada sidang ketiga orang tersebut pada tanggal 23 November 2004, tetapi tidak terdapat laporan dakwaan ataupun hukuman.

Dipenus Wenda dilaporkan masih berada dalam tahanan. Hal ini dilaporkan oleh Aliansi Demokrasi untuk Papua (ALDP) pada tahun 2011, tetapi laporan ini masih belum bisa dipastikan. Nasib dari Wetius Wenda dan Tepenat Wenda masih berada dalam ketidakpastian.


ETAN / Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Center, “Papua Report April 2004”, April 2004,

Koteka Prisoner Support, “West Papua Prisoner Support Week”, 6 May 2004,

Cenderawasih Pos, “Keterangan Kapolsek Memberatkan Terdakwa”, 9 November 2004,

Jakarta Post, “Police Shoot Dead Separatist Ahead of Voting Day”, 5 April 2004,

Sekretariat Keadilan dan Perdamaian Keuskupan Jayapura, “Catatan Sosio-Politik No 10”, February 2005,

Aliansi Demokrasi untuk Papua, (ALDP changed its website during 2012, and its archive is currently unavailable online)
