Erichzon Mandobar is a member of the Timika chapter of the West Papua National Coalition (KNPB Timika). On September 15, 2018, he, Yakonias Womsiwor and 7 other KNPB members were arrested when a joint TNI/POLRI team raided the KNPB Timika secretariat without a warrant at 7 am. During the raid, officers fired shots at two KNPB activists: resulting in two bullet wounds in Erichzon’s right knee and six bullet wounds in Yakonias Womsiwor’s left leg. Although the police produced no warrant to authorise either arrest or detention, the 9 KNPB activists were taken to Mimika Regional Police to undergo further examination. In the afternoon, officials released 7 KNPB activists, while Erichzon and Yakonias Womsiwor remained in custody.
Police questioned Erichzon about the case of Ruben Wakla, who was arrested at Timika Moses Kalinggin airport on 10 September when he was found carrying hundreds of rounds of ammunition. In the course of the examination, Erichzon was forced to give false information stating that he knew of other evidence at the location of the raid. Without a lawyer present during their respective interrogations, Erichzon and Yakonias were later charged with the possession of weapons without permits. The detention warrant was issued by the police the following day. The condition of the gunshot wound on Erichzon’s right knee improved after he received treatment from a medical officer. He can stand and walk, though does so with a limp. As in the case of Yakonias, the Erichzon family did not receive the results of the X-ray or medical exam of the gunshot wounds.
Erichzon Mandobar’s initial hearing session was held on 31 January 2019. Currently he and Yakonias Womsiwor are detained at the Mako Brimob Detachment B station (the local headquarters of the Mobile Police Brigade) as prosecutor’s detainees. Their trials are still ongoing place in the Timika City District Court.
Erichzon Mandobar adalah anggota KNPB Wilayah Timika, yang pada 15 September 2018, bersama Yakonias Womsiwor dan 7 anggota KNPB lainnya, ditangkap ketika gabungan aparat TNI/ POLRI, tanpa menyertakan surat penggeledahan dari pengadilan, melakukan penggerebekan sekretariat KNPB Kota Timika pukul 07:00 WIT. Saat penggerebekan, aparat mengeluarkan tembakan ke arah dua aktivis KNPB; dua peluru ke arah lutut kanan Erichzon dan enam peluru ke kaki kiri Yakonias Womsiwor. Meski aparat tidak mempunyai surat pemberitahuan penangkapan dan penahanan, ke 9 aktivis KNPB itu dibawa ke Polres Mimika untuk menjalani pemeriksaan lanjutan. Sore harinya, aparat membebaskan 7 aktivis KNPB, sementara tetap menahan Erichzon dan Yakonias Womsiwor.
Aparat kepolisian menginterogasi Erichzon perihal perkara Ruben Wakla yang ditangkap di bandara Moses Kalinggin Timika pada 10 September karena kedapatan membawa ratusan amunisi. Karena mendapat tekanan saat pemeriksaan, Erichzon terpaksa memberi keterangan palsu dengan menyatakan dirinya mengetahui sejumlah barang bukti yang ditemukan di lokasi penggerebekan. Tanpa pendampingan kuasa hukum mereka, status Erichzon dan Yakonias lalu berubah menjadi tersangka atas tuduhan kepemilikan senjata tanpa ijin. Surat pemberitahuan penahanan baru dikeluarkan oleh aparat kepolisian keesokan harinya. Kondisi luka tembakan di lutut kanan Erichzon membaik, setelah lukanya mendapat perawatan dari petugas medis. Ia bisa berdiri dan berjalan, meski dalam kondisi pincang. Seperti halnya yang terjadi pada Yakonias, pihak keluarga Erichzon juga tidak menerima hasil rontgen luka tembaknya.
Sidang perdana Erichzon digelar di Pengadilan Negeri Kota Timika pada 31 Januari 2019. Keputusan akhir persidangan memvonisnya bersalah dengan hukuman 1 tahun 3 bulan penjara pada 13 Mei 2019.
Aktivis KNPB Timika yang Ditembak TNI/Polri Makin Parah di Penjara