On 1 May 2013, Oktovianus Warnares, Yoseph Arwakon, Yohanes Boseren, Markus Sawias, George Syors Simyapen and Jantje Wamaer were arrested in Biak after police opened fire into a crowd of 50 people gathered for a flag-raising ceremony in commemoration of 1 May. Reports indicate that at least two people were hurt, including Jantje Wamaer who was shot in the knee. The six men reportedly face charges of treason under Article 106 of the Indonesian Criminal Code and possession of ammunitions and explosives under Aricles 1, 53, 55 and 56 of the Emergency Law 12/1951. Oktovianus Warnares was reportedly leading the flag-raising ceremony.
Local activists claim that incriminating evidence was planted by Biak Numfor police during the course of the two-month investigation period. Among the items reportedly used as evidence against the six activists are 49 bullets and three cartons of home-made bombs. Human rights lawyers reported that Yohanes Borseren, who was beaten heavily on arrest, is currently showing signs of mental illness.
After several months without legal representation, the six men received legal support from Jayapura-based human rights lawyers. Financial difficulties had previously hindered their ability to obtain lawyers – most of the six activists are farmers and cannot afford legal costs.
On 13 January 2014, the prosecution demanded an 18-year prison sentence for Oktovianus Warnares. A 15-year prison sentence was requested for George Simyapen, Jantje Wamaer and Yoseph Arwakon, as well as Markus Sawias. The trial of Yohanes Boseren was suspended due to mental health issues brought on by heavy beatings at the time of his arrest.
Oktovianus Warnares was initially sentence to five-years imprisonment but this decision was overturned by the Indonesian Supreme Court in September 2014, who sentenced him to seven years’ imprisonment.
“Mencari Keadilan Dibalik Terali Besi (6 orang kasus Makar di Biak, 1 Mei 2013),” KNPB News, 2 August 2013, http://knpbnews.com/blog/archives/2347
Report received by email from Keadilan, Perdamaian dan Keutuhan Ciptaan (KPKC), 8 May 2013
Report received by email from local source entitled, “Aksi 50 tahun hari aneksasi West Papua,” 2 May 2013
“Enam pengibar bendera Bintang Kejora ditangkap,” Antara News, 1 May 2013, http://www.antaranews.com/berita/372384/enam-pengibar-bendera-bintang-kejora-ditangkap
“Papuans Mourn 50 Years of Indonesian Occupation,” Scoop, 1 May 2013, http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/WO1305/S00083/papuans-mourn-50-years-of-indonesianoccupation.htm
Updated: 29 June 2015 Pada tanggal 1 Mei, George Syors Simyapen, Oktovianus Warnares, Yoseph Arwakon, Yohanes Boseren, Markus Sawias dan Jantje Wamaer ditangkap di Biak diinsiden di mana polisi melepaskan tembakan ke arah kerumunan di mana 50 orang telah berkumpul untuk upacara pengibaran Bendera Bintang Kejora pada hari itu. Mengikut laporan, dua orang tercedera termasuk Jantje Wamaer yang dilaporkan ditembak di lutut. Keenam pria dilaporkan menghadapi tuduhan makar berdasarkan pasal 106 KUHP dan memeliki peluru dan bom buatan di bawah Pasal 1, 53, 55 dan 56 UU Darurat No 12/1951 Indonesia. Oktovianus Warnares dilaporkan sebagai pemimpin di upacara pengibaran bendera tersebut.
Aktivis-aktivis ditanah menyatakan bahwa bukti jenayah telah ditanam oleh Biak Numfor, seorang anggota polisi, semasa investigasi jangka masa dua bulan tersebut. Mengikut laporan di antara bukit-bukti yang ditanam terhadap enam aktivis tersebut adalah 49 peluru dan tiga karton bom buatan sendiri. Pengacara HAM melaporkan bahwa Yohanes Borseren telah dipukul berat pada penangkapannya and pada masa ini menunjukkan tanda-tanda gangguan jiwa.
Setelah beberapa bulan tanpa pengacara hukum, ke-enam-enam tahanan menerima bantuan hukum dari pengacara HAM yang berpusat di Jayapura. Latar belakang aktivis-aktivis tersebut adalah petani, oleh karena itu mereka menghadapi kesulitan keuangan dan tidak mampu membayar biaya untuk pengacara hukum.
“Mencari Keadilan Dibalik Terali Besi (6 orang kasus Makar di Biak, 1 Mei 2013),” KNPB News, 2 Agustus 2013, http://knpbnews.com/blog/archives/2347
Laporan email dari Keadilan, Perdamaian dan Keutuhan Ciptaan (KPKC), 8 Mei 2013
Laporan email dari sumber HAM setempat berjodol “Aksi 50 tahun hari aneksasi West Papua,” 2 Mei 2013