Steven Baransano (28) was arrested on 27 September 2019 while Thereslin Werfete (21) on 28 September 2019 for criticising the police on Facebook. On 20 September, Steven Baransano condemned the acts of police on 19 September of forcibly dispersing a traditional feast event and vandalising the tomb of a West Papuan freedom fighter. Meanwhile, Thereslin Werfete made a post online condemning the same acts, on 22 September. Prosecutors sought one year jail for both of them and an additional fine of IDR 10,000,000 or six additional months for Steven Baransano. They were both found guilty of violating Article 45A paragraph (2) on hate speech of Law Number 19 Year 2016 regarding Information and Electronic Transaction. Steven Baransano was sentenced to eight months in jail and a fine of IDR 10,000,000 or three additional months on 13 February 2020, whereas Thereslin Werfete was sentenced to eight months in jail on 5 March 2020.