Yahya Bonay was the first of five men arrested in relation to a fatal attack on police Mobiles Brigade (Brimob) officer Jefri Sesa. On 27 April 2013, just three hours after the attack at 05:00, police officers arrived at Bonay’s residence in two trucks. They ransacked the house and allegedly tortured Bonay on arrest. Police reportedly accused him of the murder of Jefri Sesa, contrary to information provided by Bonay’s wife who claims that he was at home with her at the time of the incident. Local activists also claim that Bonay suffered torture in detention in Serui Regional police station where he currently remains. He is reportedly facing charges of treason.

Correspondence from a local source states that the arrest and alleged torture of Astro Kaaba, Hans Arrongear, Musa Samai and Luis Samai are also linked with the death of Jefri Sesa. Kaaba and Arrongear remain in detention in Serui Regional police station, while Musa Samai and Luis Samai were released after being severely tortured.

It is believed that Bonay, Arrongear and Kaaba have since been released from detention.


Report received by a local source entitled “Update Informasi Situasi Yapen,” 24 May 2013

Email correspondence from a local human rights activist, 9 May 2013

Report by a local human rights activist, 4 May 2013

Report received by a local human rights activist, 30 April 2013 Yahya Bonay adalah yang pertama dari lima orang yang ditangkap sehubungan dengan serangan maut terhadap anggota polisi Mobiles Brigade (Brimob) Jefri Sesa. Pada 27 April 2013, tiga jam setelah serangan yang terjadi pada waktu 05:00, dua truk polisi tiba di kediaman Bonay. Mereka menggeledah rumahnya dan Bonay dilaporkan disiksa pada saat penangkapan. Polisi dilaporkan menuduhnya atas pembunuhan Jefri Sesa,bertentangan dengan keterangan yang diberikan oleh istri Bonay yang menyatakanbahwa ia berada di rumah bersamanya pada saat kejadian tersebut. Aktivis lokal juga melaporkan bahwa Bonay dianiaya  dalam tahanan di Polres Serui di mana ia masih ditahan. Dia dilaporkan menghadapi tuduhan makar.

Keterangan dari sumber setempat menyatakan bahwa penangkapan dan laporan penyiksaan terhadap Astro Kaaba, Hans Arrongear, Musa Samai dan Luis Samai semua berkaitan dengan pembunuhan Jefri Sesa. Kaaba dan Arrongear masih dalam ditahan di Polres Serui, manakala Musa Samai dan Luis Samai telah dibebaskan setelah disiksa parah.


Laporan diterima dari sumber local yang bernama “Update Informasi Situasi Yapen,” 24 May 2013

Korespondensi email dari aktivis HAM setempat, 9 May 2013

Laporan dari aktivis HAM setempat, 4 May 2013

Laporan dari aktivis HAM setempat, 30 April 2013
