Yance Songgreri (18) was arrested on 25 August 2019 while Mais Wiay (23) was arrested on 26 August. Each of them was accused of stealing a laptop from a computer shop when the protest turned violent. They were separately arrested when they came to a store to buy a charger for the laptop on different occasions. Prosecutors sought one year six months in jail for both of them. The District Court found them guilty of violating Article 363 Paragraph (1) section 2 of the Criminal Code on theft and sentenced them to five months in jail on 17 December 2019. The prosecutors appealed and the Court of Appeal in Jayapura revised the verdicts. Yance Songgreri was then sentenced to ten months in jail on 5 March 2020, whereas Mais Wiay was sentenced to one year in jail on 26 February 2020.
