Glossary | Category | ID | EN |
AJI | civil society organisation | Aliansi Jurnalis Independen | Alliance of Independent Journalists |
AMP | civil society organisation | Aliansi Mahasiswa Papua | Papuan Students' Alliance |
Ampera PS | civil society organisation | Aliansi Mahasiswa, Pemuda dan Rakyat Peduli Tanah Adat Papua Selatan | Alliance of Students, Youth and People for South Papua's Customary Land |
AMPTPI | civil society organisation | Asosiasi Mahasiswa Pegunungan Tengah Papua Se-Indonesia | Association of Papuan Central Highlands Students in Indonesia |
APD Makassar | civil society organisation | Aliansi Perjuangan Demokrasi Makassar | Alliance for Democratic Struggle - Makassar |
BEM | civil society organisation | Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa | Student Executive Board |
BKO | legal term | Bawah kendali operasi | (Literally: Under operations control), forces that are augmented or sent to a specific area. |
Brimob | police insitution | Brigade Mobil | Mobile Brigade, special operations unit, paramilitary police, under the National Police |
DAD | civil society organisation | Dewan Adat Daerah | Regional Customary Council |
DAP | civil society organisation | Dewan Adat Papua | Papua Customary Council |
Densus 88 | police insitution | Detasemen Khusus 88 Antiteror | Counter-terrorisme 88 Special Detachment |
Elsham Papua | civil society organisation | Lembaga Studi dan Advokasi Hak Asasi Manusia - Papua | Institute of Human Rights Studies and Advocacy in Papua |
FIM | civil society organisation | Forum Mahasiswa Independen | Independent Student Forum |
FRI-WP | civil society organisation | Front Rakyat Indonesia untuk West Papua | Indonesian People's Front for West Papua |
FRP Tolak Otsus | civil society organisation | Front Rakyat Papua Tolak Otonomi Khusus | Papuan People's Front Rejects Special Autonomy |
FRWP | civil society organisation | Republik Federal West Papua | Federal Republic of West Papua |
Gempar-P | civil society organisation | Gerakan Mahasiswa, Pemuda, dan Rakyat Papua | Student, Youth and Papuan People's Movement |
HMKJ | civil society organisation | Himpunan Mahasiswa Kabupaten Jayawijaya | Jayawijaya Regency Student Association |
HMPJ | civil society organisation | Himpunan Mahasiswa dan Pelajar Jayawijaya | Jayawijaya Student and College Student Association |
jo. | legal term | juncto., berhubungan dengan | juncto., in conjuction with |
Kejagung | prosecution service | Kejaksaan Agung | Office of the Attorney-General |
Kejari | prosecution service | Kejaksaan Negeri | District Prosecutor's Office |
Kejati | prosecution service | Kejaksaan Tinggi | Provincial Prosecutor's Office |
KIP | civil society organisation | Komite Independen Papua | Papua Independent Committee |
KNPB | civil society organisation | Komite Nasional Papua Barat | National Committee for West Papua |
Kodam | military institution | Komando daerah militer | Regional military command |
Kodim | military institution | Komando distrik militer | District military command |
Koramil | military institution | Komando rayon militer | Sub-district military command |
Korem | military institution | Komando resor militer | Resort military command above kodim |
KUHAP | legal term | Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana | Criminal Procedures Code |
KUHP | legal term | Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana | Criminal Code |
Lapas | legal term | Lembaga pemasyarakatan | Prison |
LBH | civil society organisation | Lembaga Bantuan Hukum | Legal Aid Institution |
LMID | civil society organisation | Liga Mahasiswa Indonesia untuk Demokrasi | Indonesian Student League for Democracy |
LSM | civil society organisation | Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat | Non-Governmental Organisation |
MA | judicial institution | Mahkamah Agung | Supreme Court |
Mako Brimob | police insitution | Markas Komando Brigade Mobil | Mobile Brigade HQ |
MRP | civil society organisation | Majelis Rakyat Papua | Papuan People's Assembly |
NFRPB | government institution | Negara Federal Republik Papua Barat | Federal State Republic of West Papua |
OPM | civil society organisation | Organisasi Papua Merdeka | Free Papua Organisation |
Pepera PB | civil society organisation | Persatuan Perjuangan Rakyat Papua Barat | United Struggle of the West Papuan People |
PETAPA | civil society organisation | Penjaga Tanah Papua | Guardians of the Land of Papua |
PN | judicial institution | Pengadilan Negeri | District Court, first instance court working at the district/city level |
PNS | government institution | Pegawai Negeri Sipil | Civil servant |
PNWP | civil society organisation | Parlemen Nasional West Papua | West Papua National Parliament |
Polda | police insitution | Kepolisian Daerah | Regional Police (provincial level) |
Polres | police insitution | Kepolisian resor | The command structure of the Indonesian National Police in the district/city area |
Polresta | police insitution | Kepolisian resor kota | City resort police (city level) |
Polrestabes | police insitution | Kepolisian resor kota besar | Major city resort police (large city level) |
Polri | police insitution | Kepolisian Republik Indonesia | Indonesian National Police |
Polsek | police insitution | Kepolisian sektor | Sector police (sub-district level) |
PRD | civil society organisation | Parlemen Rakyat Daerah | Regional People's Parliament |
PRP | civil society organisation | Petisi Rakyat Papua | Papuan People's Petition |
PT | judicial institution | Pengadilan Tinggi | High Court, court of appeal or second instance court working at the provincial level |
Satgas | legal term | Satuan tugas | Joint forces |
SHDRP | civil society organisation | Solidaritas Hukum HAM dan Demokrasi Rakyat Papua | Solidarity with Law, Human Rights and Democracy of the Papuan People |
SKHPD | civil society organisation | Solidaritas Kaum Pribumi untuk HAM dan Demokrasi | Indigenous Solidarity for Human Rights and Democracy |
SMR Tolak Otsus | civil society organisation | Solidaritas Mahasiswa dan Rakyat Tolak Otsus | Solidarity of Students and People Against Special Autonomy |
Sonamappa | civil society organisation | Solidaritas Nasional Mahasiswa dan Pemuda Papua | National Solidarity of Papuan Students and Youth |
STKIP | civil society organisation | Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Keguruan dan Pendidikan | College of Teacher Training and Education |
TNI | military institution | Tentara Nasional Indonesia | Indonesian National Defence Force |
TNI AD | military institution | Tentara Nasional Indonesia Angkatan Darat | Indonesian Army |
TNI AL | military institution | Tentara Nasional Indonesia Angkatan Laut | Indonesian Navy |
TNI AU | military institution | Tentara Nasional Indonesia Angkatan Udara | Indonesian Air Force |
TPNPB | armed group | Tentara Nasional Pembebasan Papua Barat | West Papua National Liberation Army |
ULMWP | civil society organisation | United Liberation Movement for West Papua | United Liberation Movement for West Papua |
Uncen | educational institution | Universitas Cenderawasih | Cenderawasih University |
USTJ | educational institution | Universitas Sains dan Teknologi Jayapura | University of Science and Technology Jayapura |
WPNA | civil society organisation | West Papua National Authority | West Papua National Authority |
WPNCL | civil society organisation | West Papua National Coalition for Liberation | West Papua National Coalition for Liberation |
WPNGNC | civil society organisation | West Papua New Guinea National Congress | West Papua New Guinea National Congress |
Yonif | military institution | Batalyon infanteri | Batalyon infanteri |
YP3R | civil society organisation | Yayasan Pengembangan Pendidikan dan Perekonomian Rakyat Papua | Papuan People's Education and Economic Development Foundation |
HRM | civil society organisation | Human Rights Monitor | Human Rights Monitor |