In brief
At the end of April 2013 there were at least 40 political prisoners in Papuan jails. Throughout April there were reports of nine new arrests, including the arbitrary arrest and torture of civilians by police, particularly in the Puncak Jaya region, where harassment and threats have been widespread since the February shootings. There were more political arrests in Yapen island, Tambrauw and at the border with Papua New Guinea.
Markus Yenu was released without charge in March 2013. The Yapen Indigenous Day Celebrations case, Timika treason and explosives case and the Abepura ammunition case continues. The verdict for the Serui TPN camp case is being appealed while the verdict for the 1 May 2012 demonstration and flag-raising case has been upheld by the Jayapura High Court and no further appeal has been submitted. The trial for the Depapre torture case began this month for one of the two men accused.
Arrest and alleged torture of non-violent activist on Yapen island in connection to police death
On 27 April 2013, Yahya Bonay, an activist from Serui, Yapen Island, was arrested and allegedly tortured by Yapen police. Local human rights sources report that police raided his home in Paseni village and tortured him during the arrest, severely beating him and dragging him out of the house. Bonay is currently detained in Serui police custody and is reportedly denied any visits from his family or friends. His arrest is allegedly in connection with a fatal attack on police officer Jefri Sesa earlier the same day. Local sources report that Bonay is allegedly facing torture in detention. It is unclear whether he has legal representation or what charges he is facing at the time of writing.
Activists in Tambrauw detained for reporting civilian deaths
The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has reported on the arbitrary detention and intimidation of two activists on 8 April who were taken from their house and interrogated by the Sausapor Sub-District Police in relation to their work reporting on the deaths of villagers in Tambrauw regency due to lack of medical treatment. Information gathered by activists Yohanis Mambrasar and his father, Hans Mambrasar, as well as other activists reveal that the deaths of Papuans in Tambrauw regency from November 2012 to March 2013 were due to lack of medical treatment for various sicknesses including diarrhoea and malnutrition.
Yohanis was questioned on the investigation that he, his father and other activists conducted regarding the deaths in Tambrauw regency. Two police officers interrogated him about organisations in Papua who were thought to be against the Indonesian government and the names of organisations he worked with. Hans was interrogated by four plainclothes police officers and was asked about his investigative reporting, the work of other activists, and journalists or NGOs that he was in contact with. He was also questioned about where he obtained funding to conduct his reporting activities. Both Yohanis and Hans were released without charge on the same day. Earlier in the month Yohanis and Hans Mambrasar and other activists investigating into the deaths in Tambrauw regency were followed by police officers who allegedly threatened and harassed them.
Arbitrary arrest of civilians under false allegations in the Puncak Jaya region
On 5 April 2013, local human rights investigators reported news of arbitrary arrests in Puncak Jaya, Tolikara and Paniai during March and early April. On 9 March 2013, a joint army and police task force arrested three civilians at the Old Market in Mulia, Puncak Jaya, allegedly to fill arrest quotas, as part of the continuing crackdowns against civilians thought to be harbouring pro-independence activists. According to witnesses interviewed by local human rights sources, Nonggop Tabuni, Delemu Enumby and Jelek Enembe were arrested based on false allegations. Currently not much is known about where they are detained and what charges they may face. It is unclear whether they have access to legal counsel at the time of writing.
Local investigators have also reported an arrest in Tolikara under similar circumstances. On 1 April, Yosia Karoba, a farmer, was arrested in front of a kiosk by four Tolikara police officers after failing to provide a National Identity card (Karta Tanda Penduduk, KTP) and informing the police that he was from Puncak Jaya. He is currently detained in Tolikara police station and his family have no information regarding the reasons for his arrest, though are reported to fear for his safety and freedom from torture.
A joint report by the Kingmi, GKI and Baptist churches in Paniai has revealed that on 6 March 2013, Silwanus Kudiay, a civilian from Paniai, was arrested by police while he was at the Paniai Public Works office. He was detained after police conducted a search of his mobile phone and found the Morning Star symbol in his phone data. He was detained for four nights at the Paniai police station before being released.
While the arrests allegedly happened in March, these places are currently the site of, or close to, areas of military operations in West Papua. It is therefore extremely difficult and risky for affected civilians to get information out, and for human rights workers to investigate or verify the reports. The vulnerability of local and national journalists working in the territory is exacerbated by the severe restrictions placed on international journalists and human rights workers wishing to enter West Papua.
As reported in the March Update, following the Puncak Jaya shootings in February there has been an increase in the presence of security forces in the Puncak Jaya region and local sources have reported the arbitrary arrest of innocent civilians who have suffered ill-treatment or torture and were later released without charge. In the March Update, Papuans Behind Bars recorded the arrest and release of 11 civilians from Paniai, nine of whom were tortured or suffered ill-treatment during detention.
Youth arrested at the Indonesia – Papua New Guinea border for flag throwing incident
Local human rights activists have reported that a youth who was arrested on 28 February 2013 for lowering and stomping on an Indonesian flag at the immigration border between Indonesia and Papua New Guinea is currently being detained at Abepura prison. Boas Gombo had reportedly lowered the flag, threw it to the ground and stomped on it while shouting “Merdeka” (freedom) at immigration officials. He was first held in police custody before being handed over to prosecutors and subsequently transferred to Abepura prison on 8 April. Local activists have reported that Gombo does not have access to legal counsel and it is unclear what charges he may be facing at the time of writing.
Markus Yenu released
According to recently received information from a local source, Markus Yenu was released on 6 March 2013, the same day he was arrested and allegedly charged with treason by the Manokwari police in relation in a peaceful demonstration on 17 January 2013. The police have now decided not to pursue any course of action against him where previously they had claimed they had obtained sufficient evidence proving Yenu’s involvement in provoking acts of arson and destruction. Local human rights sources report that there have been renewed attempts to arrest Yenu. On 29 April 2013, Jayapura police raided the Mamberamo university dormitory in Jayapura, allegedly with the intention of arresting Yenu, but did not conduct the arrest as they lacked any basis for arrest.
Case of concern
Police raid house of human rights activist in search of KNPB leader
On 3 April 2013, a joint police force in plainclothes attire reportedly raided the house of human rights activist Iche Morip, a member of the Young Papua Baptists (Pemudi Baptis Papua) in search of Danny Wenda, chairman of the West Papua National Committee (Komisi Nasional Papua Barat, KNPB). Jayapura police arrived around 15:00 when Morip, his mother, 9-year old sister and relative were at home, causing them panic and trauma with their reportedly aggressive behaviour. The police interrogated Morip’s mother on Danny Wenda’s whereabouts and after failing to obtain any information began aggressively searching the entire house. Morip told independent Papuan news site Tabloid Jubi that a police officer had pointed his gun at her and her family during the search. Police allegedly searched other houses in the complex following this raid, kicking down doors and interrogating other residents in the area about Danny Wenda.
Political trials and cases overview
While some ongoing political trials can be seen as ‘purely’ political cases, others allegedly involve criminal as well as political elements. As some of these cases are more complex, Papuans Behind Bars is not always able to determine whether the defendants are political prisoners until the details of their trials are known. However, there are concerns that defendants in political trials are at risk of not receiving adequate legal representation or a fair trial. We therefore continue to report on the progress of all those political trials we are aware of.
Trial of Edison Kendi and Yan Piet Maniamboi in the Yapen Indigenous Day Celebration case continues
On 9 April, defence witnesses testified at the trial of the case of Edison Kendi, the National Federated Republic of West Papua’s Governor of Saireri region and Yan Piet Maniamboi, an activist involved with the West Papuan National Authority (Otoritas Nasional Papua Barat, WPNA), who were arrested on 9 August 2012 for their involvement in a peaceful march celebrating the UN Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples Day in Yapen island.
According to West Papua Media, independent observers present at the hearing reported that the four defence witnesses testified that they suffered torture during their detention by Yapen police and were forced to confess. Prosecutor Matius Matulesi had allegedly threatened two of the witnesses who testified about their mistreatment in detention. While the hearing on 23 April was scheduled for the testimony of two police officers, their absence resulted in Prosecutor Matulesi calling on ex political-prisoner Jon Nuntian, and Jamal Omrik Manitori, who is currently facing charges for the Serui TPN Camp case, to testify against Edison Kendi and Yan Piet Maniamboi. Local human rights sources report that Jamal Manitori refused to take the stand and declined to sign an agreement to testify. Attempts to get political detainees to testify against each other are frequently reported in Papua. In the case of the Abepura Anti-Freeport demonstration in 2006, police lacking witnesses inflicted torture on detainees in order to get them to testify against each other.
Edison Kendi and Yan Piet Maniamboi both reportedly suffered beatings during their arrest and were denied access to food in detention. Kendi had testified previously about the torture he and Maniamboi had suffered in detention at Yapen police station and Serui prison where they were severely beaten and hit with wooden sticks and denied access to medical treatment for the injuries they sustained. Kendi had reportedly stated that his repeated applications for treatment outside prison were denied by Matulesi, while West Papua Media reports that Matulesi had also allegedly prevented Kendi from attending the funeral of his father, a basic right that other Indonesian prisoners have routinely been afforded.
Local human rights workers report that Edison Kendi has not been given permission to visit his wife who is suffering from anaemia and young daughter who has contracted malaria. According to a new report published by TAPOL, the wives and children of political prisoners in Papua often suffer discrimination and stigmatisation, and undergo economic hardship while the main breadwinners of the family is behind bars.
Timika treason and explosives case
The trial of the six KNPB activists charged with possession of explosives resumed on 16 April 2013. The Public Prosecutor, Andita Rizkianto called for a one-year jail term (minus time spent in detention) for Steven Itlay, Romario Yatipai, Paulus Marsyom, Jack Womsiwor, Alfret Marsyom and Yantho Awerkion. While the Prosecutor had previously called for Itlay, Yatipai, Marsyom, Womsiwor and Marsyom to be charged with the Emergency Law 12/1951, the legal defence team have reported that during the trial Rizkianto had instead argued for the five activists to be charged under Article 106 on treason, which carries a prison sentence of life imprisonment or a maximum imprisonment of 20 years. Their lawyers have also stated that Yantho Awerkion has also been charged with Article 106, in addition to Emergency Law 12/1951 for possession of explosives.
In considering the aggravating and mitigating circumstances, the Prosecutor argued that the actions of the six activists could potentially disrupt state stability but that they had also only participated in a peaceful demonstration under orders from the KNPB leadership. The legal counsel argued that the documents that have been presented did not demonstrate treason and that the activities the activists have participated in were legal acts protected by law. Gustaf Kawer, a legal counsellor for the activists, also stated that during the hearing there were no eyewitnesses confirming Yantho Awerkion’s possession of explosives, as stated in the Investigation report by the prosecutor, but that the police had forced Awerkion to confess to possession. Kawer added that the explosive material emerged after their arrest when they were in detention at Mimika police station, and this was then used as evidence to charge them. Additionally he stated that the six accused should be released immediately as there is no evidence proving their guilt.
Ivonia Tetjuari, another legal counsellor for the activists, argued that it was odd that the indictment against the five activists (all but Yantho Awerkion) switched from one of possessing sharp weapons to that of treason, which carries a maximum sentence of life or up to 20 years. The defence team submitted an appeal on 30 April, requesting that the six men be released due to a lack of evidence. The next hearing has been scheduled for 7 May, where the prosecutors will respond to the appeal submitted by the defence. The six activists have called for international support and advocacy from their cell Timika prison.
Abepura ammunition case trial resumes
The trial for the six KNPB activists arrested on 30 October 2012 in the Abepura ammunition case resumed at the Abepura district court on 16 April. Denny Imanuel Hisage, Anike Kogoya (female), Jhon Pekey, Rendy Wetapo, Jimmy Wea and Oliken Giay are charged with possession of ammunition under the Emergency Law 12/1951 and Article 56 of the Criminal Code.The six were allegedly arrested in a rented house containing ammunition. The activists are being provided with legal accompaniment by the Civil Society Coalition to Uphold Law and Human Rights in Papua.
At the hearing, Brigadier Yahones Rumainus was called to testify as a witness and was questioned regarding the arrest of the six activists. Rumainus’ account reportedly did not match the information provided in the police investigation report. He stated that he himself had not seen any ammunition taken from the rented house where the six activists were arrested and that he had only received information of the activists’ possession of ammunition from photos and what he had heard from the police. Denny Hisage informed local media sources that he and the other five activists did not see Rumainus at the time of their arrest and added that the Police did not have an arrest warrant and severely beat them during the arrest.
1 May 2012 Demo and Flag-raising case
Local human rights lawyers have reported that the appeal submitted to the Jayapura High Court on behalf of Darius Kogoya and Timur Wakerkwa has been rejected. The two men were convicted of treason for raising the Morning Star flag at a demonstration on 1 May 2012 requesting protection for human rights and sentenced to three and two-and-a-half years’ imprisonment respectively. Their lawyers have not lodged an appeal to the Supreme Court.
Trial of Depapre torture case begins for Matan Klembiap
The two men who were arrested on 15 February 2013 in connection with pro-independence activists Terianus Satto and Sebby Sambom, and continue to be detained, are receiving legal accompaniment from the Democracy Alliance for Papua (Aliansi Demokrasi untuk Papua, ALDP) following a request from their families. Matan Klembiap and Daniel Gobay are charged under Article 2 paragraph (1) of the Emergency Law 12/1951 for the possession of sharp weapons. All seven who were arrested allegedly suffered torture, intimidation and degrading treatment during their detention in Jayapura Police Station. Cory Silpa, a lawyer with ALDP who is accompanying the two men, stated on 23 April that Matan Klembiap has been transferred to Abepura prison and that his case has been referred to the Prosecution.
Prosecutor to appeal verdict of Serui TPN camp case
A representative of the West Papua National Authority (WPNA, Otoritas Nasional Papua Barat) has reported that Jamal Omrik Manitori, who was charged with treason in the Serui TPN training camp case has been sentenced to one year imprisonment. However the decision will be appealed by the Prosecutor who has demanded a sentence of four years’ imprisonment.
1 May demonstration ban violates freedom of expression
On 25 April 2013, Papua province Police Chief Tito Karnavian issued a statement supported by the new Governor of Papua Lukas Enembe, banning demonstrations in commemoration of the 1 May annexation of Papua, a repressive measure violating the fundamental rights of freedom of expression, association and assembly as guaranteed in the Indonesian Constitution. There have been unconfirmed reports of raids conducted in student dormitories on 30 April and arbitrary arrests and detention of activists in Timika. Papuans Behind Bars will monitor arrests related to the commemoration of 1 May, and provide a comprehensive report in our next Update.
Global push to address the situation of political prisoners in Papua
Following the launch of our website, Papuans Behind Bars has received many messages of support and solidarity from human rights activists around the world. This month has seen an increase in national and international public support pushing the Indonesian government to release Papuan political prisoners. Activists Marni Gilbert and Maire Leadbeater from West Papua Action Auckland have voiced their support for Papuans Behind Bars and plan to make political prisoners a campaign priority. Auckland radio station 95Bfm interviewed Septer Manufandu, the Director of the Papua Indigenous People’s Network, regarding the situation of Papuan political prisoners and highlighted the harsh sentences given to those arrested merely for raising the Morning Star flag. Pacific Media Watch has published an in-depth interview with Paul Mambrasar of Elsham Papua following the launch of the Papuans Behind Bars website. TAPOL has also released a new report, providing analysis of the situation of Papuan political prisoners, as well as their families and lawyers, featuring interviews with and stories of those who have been affected by the arbitrary arrests and ongoing violations in Papua.
The new “Free West Papua Political Prisoners” campaign headed by ex-political prisoner Herman Wainggai aims to raise awareness of West Papuan issues and gain support for the release of political prisoners. National Papua Solidarity – NAPAS – a coalition of Indonesian and Papuan human rights groups, have also highlighted the plight of political prisoners in Papua in their recent inaugural workshop and conference (see below).
NAPAS workshop and conference highlights plight of political prisoners and the state of freedom of expression in Papua
National Papua Solidarity (NAPAS) organised a workshop and conference from the 22 – 23 March, held at the Wahid Institute in Jakarta and supported by around 30 organisations and individuals from Indonesia and Papua including Bersatu Untuk Kebenaran (BUK, Unite for Truth), Forum Kerjasama (FOKER) LSM Papua, KontraS, Budi Hernawan and Socratez Sofyan Yoman amongst others.
Human rights activists spoke at the event, highlighting the many human rights challenges facing Papua. Herman Katmo, an activist from the Democratic Movement for Papua (Gerakan Demokrasi Papua, Garda Papua) spoke of the shrinking of democratic space in Papua with the increase in restrictive measures against freedom of expression. Activist Usman Hamid highlighted the fact that there was no legal basis for the detention of political prisoners and that amnesty or the release of political prisoners is guaranteed in Article 14 of the 1945 Constitution. He discussed Indonesia’s history of presidential amnesties which he argued gave the SBY government no reason not to release political prisoners who have been detained because of their peaceful expression of political views. Sylvana Yolanda from Komnas Perempuan spoke on violence against women in Papua, arguing that there needs to be a change in perspective and behaviour towards the problems in Papua, stigmatisation of Papuan activists as ‘separatists’ and ‘traitors’ and lastly, the need for both State and society to conduct a genuine and sincere dialogue in the way of the customs and traditions of Papua.
The full report of the conference can be read online. The conference produced ten programme objectives that form the mandate of NAPAS, including the guarantee of the right to freedom of expression as laid out in the Constitution, bringing to justice perpetrators of human rights violations through national and international legal mechanisms and the unconditional release of political prisoners in Papua as one of the foundations for establishing dialogue and trust of the people of Papua.
‘Papua – Prison Island’ – opinion piece illustrating the situation of Papuan political prisoners
A contributor to Papuans Behind Bars has published an analytical report entitled ‘Papua – PrisonIsland,’ focusing on the issue of current and past political prisoners. Among the issues raised, the report analyses the ongoing targeting of past political prisoners, such as Buchtar Tabuni and Yusak Pakage, the lack of access to adequate healthcare as seen with the Wamena weapons arsenal case, the situation in Wamena, where obtaining accurate information is particularly difficult, and arrests following the raising of the Morning Star flag.
Political prisoners Edison Waromi and Selpius Bobii publish articles on eve of 1 May Commemoration
Political prisoner Edison Waromi, lawyer and the Executive President of the West Papua National Authority (WPNA, Otoritas Nasional Papua Barat) has published an article calling for unity among Papuans on the eve of the 50th anniversary of the annexation of West Papua. He stated that the declaration of the Federated Republic of West Papua in the Third Papua Congress on 19 October 2011, which led to his arrest as well as the arrests of Forkorus Yaboisembut, August Makbrawen Sananay Kraar, Dominikus Sorabut, Gat Wenda, and Selpius Bobii, gave Papuans the bargaining position needed to be accepted as a member of the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG). This, he argued, would give West Papua the access to the regional mechanism of the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) that would provide a way of bringing the Papuan case to the United Nations. Selpius Bobii has also published an article commemorating 1 May, in which he examines the historical, legal and political issues surrounding Indonesia’s annexation of Papua. He addressed the discrimination and repression faced by Papuans, and called for international support and solidarity as well as a peaceful dialogue that would lead to Papuan independence.
Dominikus Surabut speaks on unacceptable prison conditions and the fundamental need for political rights from Abepura prison
Political prisoner, filmmaker and writer Dominikus Surabut speaks in a short video produced by Papuan Voices Jayapura and published by Engage Media. Surabut describes the inadequate healthcare received by political prisoners in Abepura prison, highlighting the responsibility of the State to fulfil this obligation. He also talks about the fundamental need for political rights, noting Indonesia’s ratification of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). In October 2011, Surabut, along with Forkorus Yaboisembut, Edison Waromi, August Kraar, Gat Wenda and Selpius Bobii were arrested for their involvement with the Third Papuan People’s Congress and are still in detention in Abepura prison, convicted of treason.
17 arrested in Maluku over flying of French flag and rejection of former GAM banner in Aceh shine a light on Indonesia’s laws against separatism
On 28 March 2013, 17 miners were arrested in Buru Island, Ambon, Maluku, when police misidentified the French flag one of them raised in support of the French national football team to be the flag of the Republic of South Maluku (RMS), a group advocating independence. The miners were detained overnight and released the following day. In separate developments related to Indonesia’s law banning flags and symbols of outlawed organizations and separatist movements, the Indonesian government has demanded the annulment of a bylaw passed by the Aceh legislature that declares the banner of Free Aceh Movement (Gerakan Aceh Merdeka, GAM) to be the province’s official flag and seal. The deadline of 16 April was extended by 60 days as dialogue between the two sides continues. A similar situation in Papua under the Megawati administration in 2000 led to violent clashes during the forced lowering of the flag in Wamena, an incident widely referred to as ‘Bloody Wamena.’ In Maluku, previous disputes over separatist symbols and flags saw the alleged torture of 12 people found in the possession of an RMS flag in 2010 and the reported torture of 22 activists for raising the RMS flag in 2007.
In Papua, at least seven people are currently in detention for raising or being in possession of the Morning Star flag. Filep Karma is the most well-known victim of Indonesia’s repressive law against separatist symbols. Meki Elosak, Wiki Meage, Oskar Hilago and Obed Kosay were sentenced to eight years imprisonment in the 2010 Yalengga flag-raising case, while Darius Kogoya and Timur Wakerkwa were sentenced to 3 and 2.5 years respectively in the 1 May 2012 demo and flag-raising case in Abepura.
Information on Sarmi arrests as reported in March 2013 update
In the March Update Papuans Behind Bars reported on the arrests of Isak Demetouw (alias Alex Makabori) and Daniel Norotouw from Jayapura, and Niko Sasomar and Sileman Teno from Sarmi on 3 March 2013. New information from local human rights sources suggests that there is not enough information to confirm whether they can be considered as political prisoners – therefore the four men have been taken off the list of political prisoners in April 2013. However, due to the political element of the case, we will continue to report on the progress of the trial and any violations reported.
April 2013 Papuan political prisoners
Prisoner | Arrested | Charges | Sentence | Case | Accused of violence? | Concerns reported re legal process? | Prison |
Yahya Bonay | 27 April 2013 | Unknown | Unknown | Yapen police death | Yes | Pending | Serui police custody |
Yosia Karoba | 1 April 2013 | Unknown | Unknown | Paniai civilian arrests | No | Pending | Tolikara police station |
Nonggop Tabuni | 9 March 2013 | Unknown | Unknown | Paniai civilian arrests | No | Pending | Unknown |
Delemu Enumby | 9 March 2013 | Unknown | Unknown | Paniai civilian arrests | No | Pending | Unknown |
Jelek Enembe | 9 March 2013 | Unknown | Unknown | Paniai civilian arrests | No | Pending | Unknown |
Boas Gombo | 28 February 2013 | Unknown | Unknown | Indonesian flag at PNG border | No | Pending | Abepura |
Matan Klembiap | 15 February 2013 | 110; Article 2, Emergency Law 12/1951 | Trial ongoing | Terianus Satto and Sebby Sambom affiliation | No | Yes | Police detention, Jayapura |
Daniel Gobay | 15 February 2013 | 110; Article 2, Emergency Law 12/1951 | Trial ongoing | Terianus Satto and Sebby Sambom affiliation | No | Yes | Police detention, Jayapura |
Alfret Marsyom | 19 October 2012 | 106, Emergency Law 12/1951 | Trial ongoing | Timika explosives case | Possession of weapons | Yes | Timika |
Jack Wansior | 19 October 2012 | 106, Emergency Law 12/1951 | Trial ongoing | Timika explosives case | Possession of weapons | Yes | Timika |
Yantho Awerkion | 19 October 2012 | 106, Emergency Law 12/1951 | Trial ongoing | Timika explosives case | Possession of weapons | Yes | Timika |
Paulus Marsyom | 19 October 2012 | 106, Emergency Law 12/1951 | Trial ongoing | Timika explosives case | Possession of weapons | Yes | Timika |
Romario Yatipai | 19 October 2012 | 106, Emergency Law 12/1951 | Trial ongoing | Timika explosives case | Possession of weapons | Yes | Timika |
Stephen Itlay | 19 October 2012 | 106, Emergency Law 12/1951 | Trial ongoing | Timika explosives case | Possession of weapons | Yes | Timika |
Yan Piet Maniamboy | 9 August 2012 | 106 | Trial ongoing | Indigenous people’s day celebrations, Yapen | No | Yes | Serui |
Edison Kendi | 9 August 2012 | 106 | Trial ongoing | Indigenous people’s day celebrations, Yapen | No | Yes | Serui |
Timur Wakerkwa | 1 May 2012 | 106 | 3 years | 1 May demo and flag-raising | No | No | Abepura |
Darius Kogoya | 1 May 2012 | 106 | 3 years | 1 May demo and flag-raising | No | No | Abepura |
Paulus Alua | 21 October 2012 | Emergency Law 12/1951 | Trial ongoing | Biak explosives case | Possession of explosives | Yes | Biak |
Bastian Mansoben | 21 October 2012 | Emergency Law 12/1951 | Trial ongoing | Biak explosives case | Possession of explosives | No | Biak |
Forkorus Yaboisembut | 19 October 2011 | 106 | 3 years | Third Papua Congress | No | Yes | Abepura |
Edison Waromi | 19 October 2011 | 106 | 3 years | Third Papua Congress | No | Yes | Abepura |
Dominikus Surabut | 19 October 2011 | 106 | 3 years | Third Papua Congress | No | Yes | Abepura |
August Kraar | 19 October 2011 | 106 | 3 years | Third Papua Congress | No | Yes | Abepura |
Selphius Bobii | 20 October 2011 | 106 | 3 years | Third Papua Congress | No | Yes | Abepura |
Wiki Meaga | 20 November 2010 | 106 | 8 years | Yalengga flag-raising | No | Yes | Wamena |
Oskar Hilago | 20 November 2010 | 106 | 8 years | Yalengga flag-raising | No | Yes | Wamena |
Meki Elosak | 20 November 2010 | 106 | 8 years | Yalengga flag-raising | No | Yes | Wamena |
Obed Kosay | 20 November 2010 | 106 | 8 years | Yalengga flag-raising | No | Yes | Wamena |
Yusanur Wenda | 30 April 2004 | 106 | 17 years | Wunin arrests | Yes | No | Wamena |
Dipenus Wenda | 28 March 2004 | 106 | 14 years | Bokondini election boycott | Unclear | No | Wamena |
George Ariks | 13 March 2009 | 106 | 5 years | Unknown | Unknown | No | Manokwari |
Filep Karma | 1 December 2004 | 106 | 15 years | Abepura flag-raising 2004 | No | Yes | Abepura |
Ferdinand Pakage | 16 March 2006 | 214 | 15 years | Abepura case 2006 | Yes | Yes | Abepura |
Luis Gede | 16 March 2006 | 214 | 15 years | Abepura case 2006 | Yes | Yes | Abepura |
Jefrai Murib | 12 April 2003 | 106 | Life | Wamena ammunition store raid | Yes | Yes | Abepura |
Linus Hiel Hiluka | 27 May 2003 | 106 | 20 years | Wamena ammunition store raid | Yes | Yes | Nabire |
Kimanus Wenda | 12 April 2003 | 106 | 20 years | Wamena ammunition store raid | Yes | Yes | Nabire |
Numbungga Telenggen | 11 April 2003 | 106 | Life | Wamena ammunition store raid | Yes | Yes | Biak |
Apotnalogolik Lokobal | 10 April 2003 | 106 | 20 years | Wamena ammunition store raid | Yes | Yes | Biak |
Papuans Behind Bars aims to provide accurate and transparent data, published in English and Indonesian, to facilitate direct support for prisoners and promote wider debate and campaigning in support of free expression in West Papua.
Papuans Behind Bars is a collective project initiated by Papuan civil society groups working together as the Civil Society Coalition to Uphold Law and Human Rights in Papua. It is a grassroots initiative and represents a broad collaboration between lawyers, human rights groups, adat groups, activists, journalists and individuals in West Papua, as well as Jakarta-based NGOs and international solidarity groups.
Questions, comments and corrections are welcomed, and you can write to us at [email protected]