Forkorus Yaboisembut, born in 1955, is the chairman of the Papuan Customary Council (Dewan Adat Papua). On 7 July 2011, Mr Yaboisembut participated in the drafting of the Papuan Peace Declaration, as part of the ‘Dialog Jakarta-Papua’ process advocated by Dr Muridan Widjojo and Dr Neles Tebay. He then participated in the organisation of the October 2011 Third Papuan People’s Congress and played a key role in the Congress, which lead to his arrest under treason charges.

From 17 to 19 October 2011, the Third Papuan People’s Congress was attended by more than 4,000 Papuan participants, and took place at the Zacheus football field of the Catholic Mission in Padang Bulan, near the provincial capital of Jayapura. The ‘Morning Star’ flag was raised at the event. According to the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC), around 2,200 members of the Indonesian military (Tentara Nasional Indonesia, TNI) and the police Mobile Brigades (Brigade Mobil, known locally as ‘Brimob’) were present. At least 100 members of the security forces reportedly surrounded the area with police cars, armoured vehicles and heavy firearms, whereas the participants were unarmed.

On 19 October 2011, according to the AHRC and the Jakarta Globe, Mr Yaboisembut was elected as the president of the newly-declared West Papuan Federal State. Around 14:00 local time, he read out a political declaration about the self-determination of the Papuan people. He reportedly said that the objective of the Congress was not to destroy the Republic of Indonesia, but to discuss the basic rights of the indigenous Papuan people.

Following the declaration, the Congress ended and participants began to disperse to return to their homes. Security forces began to fire shots into the air and reportedly used tear gas on the retreating crowd whilst beating participants, resulting in dozens injured. Around 300 persons were arrested and taken into custody in trucks, most of whom were later released. Video footage of the event, obtained by Down to Earth and TAPOL, has confirmed that a large number of shots were fired, and that unarmed Congress participants were beaten.

Mr Yaboisembut was arrested along with four of the other Congress organisers; Edison Waromi, August Makbrawen Sananay Kraar, Dominikus Sorabut, and Gat Wenda. On 20 October, Selpius Bobii, Chairman of the Congress, surrendered to the police. Gat Wenda was charged with Emergency Law 12 of 1951 for possession of a sharp weapon. The remaining five men were charged with treason (article 106 of the Indonesian Penal Code), conspiracy (article 110), and public incitement to violence against the authorities (article 160).

Gat Wenda was tried, sentenced to five months imprisonment and then released, as he had already served this time in detention. Mr Yaboisembut and the other four defendants were tried at the State Court in Abepura over 13 sessions, starting on 30 January 2012. On 16 March 2012, the four men were found guilty and sentenced to three years’ imprisonment – two years less than the five years requested by the Public Prosecutor. The defendants’ legal team and the Public prosecutor both appealed the decision on 4 April and the case was referred to the High Court. On 11 May 2012, the appeal was rejected by the High Court, which decision was again appealed by the defendants’ legal team, who took the case to the Supreme Court. On 24 July 2012, the Supreme Court issued Decision MA No.1029K/PD/2012 rejecting the appeal which had been made on behalf of the five defendants.

Mr Yaboisembut’s activities as chairman of the Papuan Indigenous Council have frequently brought him to the attention of local police in the past. According to Human Rights Watch (August 2011), Mr Yaboisembut was already under tight surveillance by Indonesia’s Special Forces (Komando Pasukan Khusus, known locally as Kopassus) before the events for which he was arrested took place. In August 2008, he was questioned by the police over the raising of the ‘Morning Star’ flag, a symbol of Papuan identity, in a demonstration. He subsequently received death threats and hate messages from unidentified sources.


Amnesty International, “Indonesia: release participants of peaceful gathering in Papua,” 20 October 2011,

Asian Human Rights Commission, “Papuan Peace Declaration,” 12 July 2011,

INDONESIA: Papuan Peace Declaration 

Asian Human Rights Commission, “Security forces open fire at the Third Papuan People’s Congress,” 19 October 2011,

INDONESIA: Security forces open fire at Third Papuan People’s Congress

Asian Human Rights Commission, “Troops open fire on Papuan gathering,” 20 October 2011,

INDONESIA: Troops Open Fire On Papuan Gathering 

Asian Human Rights Commission, “Indonesia: one person killed, hundreds arrested, and five persons charged with rebellion at the Third Papuan People’s Congress,” 20 October 2011,

INDONESIA: One person killed, hundreds arrested and five persons charged with rebellion at Third Papuan People’s Congress

East Timor and Indonesia Action Network, “Congressman Faleomavaega calls upon government of Indonesia to ensure safe and humane treatment for West Papuans in custody and to work for their release,” 21 October 2011,

Human Rights Watch, “Indonesia: military documents reveal unlawful spying in Papua,” 14 August 2011,

Human Rights Watch, “Indonesia: independent investigation needed into Papua violence,” 27 October 2011,

Jakarta Globe, “Dozens injured as Papua group declares independence from Indonesia,” 19 October 2011,

Jakarta Globe, “At Papuan Congress, a brutal show of force,” 22 October 2011,

TAPOL, East Timor and Indonesia Action Network, West Papua Advocacy Team, “Indonesian crackdown on Papuan Congress sparks outrage,” 20 October 2011,

Video : Metro TV, “Polisi Buru Peserta Kongres Pendirian Negara Papua,» 19 October 2011,

Last updated : 4 January 2013 Forkorus Yaboisembut, lahir di tahun 1955, adalah ketua Dewan Adat Papua. Pada tanggal 7 Juli 2011, dia ikut berpartisipasi dalam penyusunan Deklarasi Perdamaian Papua, yang merupakan bagian dari ‘Dialog Jakarta–Papua’ yang difasilitasi oleh Dr Muridan Widjojo dan Dr Neles Tebay. Yaboisembut lalu ikut berpastisipasi dalam penyelenggaraan Kongres Rakyat Papua III pada Oktober 2011 dan memegang peran utama dalam kongres tersebut, yang berujung kepada penahanannya atas tuduhan makar.

Kongres Rakyat Papua III diadakan pada tanggal 17–19 Oktober 2011 dan dihadiri oleh lebih dari 4,000 peserta. Kongres ini berlangsung di Lapangan Zakeus milik misi katolik Padang Bulan yang terletak berdekatan dengan Ibukota propinsi, Jayapura. Bendera Bintang Kejora dikibarkan dalam acara tersebut. Menurut Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC), sekitar 2,200 anggota TNI dan Brimob (Brigade Mobil) berada disekitar lokasi acara. Sedikitnya 100 anggota penjaga keamanan dilaporkan mengelilingi lokasi acara dengan mobil polisi, mobil-mobil berlapis baja dan senjata api, sedangkan peserta acara hadir tanpa bersenjata.

Sebagaimana dilaporkan oleh AHRC dan Jakarta Globe, pada tanggal 19 Oktober 2011 Bapak Yaboisembut terpilih sebagai Presiden Negara Federasi Papua Barat. Pada pukul 14:00 waktu setempat dia membacakan deklarasi politik tentang penentuan nasib sendiri untuk rakyat Papua. Juga dilaporkan dia menyatakan bahwa tujuan diadakannya Kongres tersebut bukan untuk menghancurkan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia, tetapi untuk membicarakan hak-hak asasi masyarakat pribumi Papua.
Kongres berakhir setelah pendeklarasian tersebut dan para peserta mulai bubar dan kembali ke tempat masing-masing. Aparat keamanan mulai menembakkan senjata api diudara dan dilaporkan menggunakan gas air mata kepada para peserta yang hendak bubar sambil memukuli mereka. Kejadian ini meninggalkan lusinan orang terluka. Sekitar 300 peserta ditangkap dan dibawa ke tahanan dengan truk-truk aparat namun sebagian besar kemudian dibebaskan. Video rekaman acara tersebut, yang diterima oleh LSM Down to Earth dan Tapol, memastikan bahwa tidak sedikit tembakan dilepaskan aparat keamanan dan bahwa para peserta dipukuli.

Bapak Yaboisembut ditahan beserta empat anggota lain yang merencanakan Kongres tersebut; Edison Waromi, August Makbrawen Sananay Kraar, Dominikus Sorabut, dan Gat Wenda. Pada tanggal 20 Oktober, Selpius Bobii, Ketua Kongres, menyerahkan diri kepada polisi. Gat Wenda dituduh dengan UU 12/1951 tentang senjata tajam, sedangkan kelima orang lain dituduh telah melakukan tindakan makar (Pasal 106 KUHP), konspirasi (pasal 110 KUHP), dan penghasutan untuk melawan pihak aparat dengan menggunakan kekerasan (Pasal 160 KUHP). Hingga hari ini mereka masih ditahan di Kantor Polisi Jayapura untuk menunggu sidang.

Gat Wenda disidangkan dan dihukum dengan lima bulan dipenjara. Dengan menilai bahwa lima bulan sudah habis sebelum siding, dia langsung dibebaskan. Sedangkan Forkorus Yaboisembut dan keempat terdakwa lain menjalani sidang di Pengadilan Negeri Kelas I A Abepura sebanyak 13 kali, dimulai pada tanggal 30 Januari 2012. Pada tanggal 16 Maret 2012, kelima laki-laki diputuskan bersalah makar secara sah dan menyakinkan dengan hukuman penjara selama tiga tahun atau dua tahun lebih rendah dari tuntutan Jaksa Penuntut Umum(JPU). Tim Penasehat hukum dan JPU sama–sama telah menyatakan banding terhadap putusan tersebut pada tanggal 4 April ke Pengadilan Negeri 1 Jayapura dan akan diteruskan kepada Pengadilan Tinggi untuk diperiksa dari fakta–fakta persidangan. Pada tanggal 11 Mei 2012, pengajuan banding kelima tahanan politik ke Pengadilan Tinggi (PT) Jayapura ditolak. Terkait penolakan tersebut, Penasehat Hukum (PH) Forkurus Cs akan mengajukan kasasi ke Mahkamah Agung (MA). Pada 24 Juli 2012, Mahkama Agung melalui Putusan MA No. 1029K/PD/2012 menolak permohonan kasasi dari pada pemohon kasasi/para terdakwa dalam kasus Kongres Rakyat Papua (KRP) III yakni Selpius Bobii, Forkorus Yaboisembut, Edison Waromi, Dominikus Surabut dan August Magbrawen Sananay Kraar.

Kegiatan-kegiatan Bapak Yaboisembut sebagai ketua Dewa Adat Papua telah seringkali menjadi perhatian polisi setempat. Menurut laporan Human Rights Watch (Agustus 2011), Bapak Yaboisembut telah berada dalam pengawasan ketat oleh Komando Pasukan Khusus (Kopassus) sebelum acara yang berujung pada penangkapannya diadakan. Pada bulan Agustus 2008, ia diinterogasi oleh pihak kepolisian mengenai pengibaran bendera ‘Bintang Kejora’, yang merupakan suatu bentuk identitas rakyat Papua, dalam suatu demonstrasi. Bapak Yaboisembut terus menerus mendapat ancaman akan dibunuh dan pesan-pesan kebencian dari sumber yang tidak dapat diidentifikasi.


Amnesty International, “Indonesia: release participants of peaceful gathering in Papua,” 20 October 2011,

Asian Human Rights Commission, “Papuan Peace Declaration,” 12 July 2011,

INDONESIA: Papuan Peace Declaration 

Asian Human Rights Commission, “Security forces open fire at the Third Papuan People’s Congress,” 19 October 2011,

INDONESIA: Security forces open fire at Third Papuan People’s Congress

Asian Human Rights Commission, “Troops open fire on Papuan gathering,” 20 October 2011,

INDONESIA: Troops Open Fire On Papuan Gathering 

Asian Human Rights Commission, “Indonesia: one person killed, hundreds arrested, and five persons charged with rebellion at the Third Papuan People’s Congress,” 20 October 2011,

INDONESIA: One person killed, hundreds arrested and five persons charged with rebellion at Third Papuan People’s Congress

East Timor and Indonesia Action Network, “Congressman Faleomavaega calls upon government of Indonesia to ensure safe and humane treatment for West Papuans in custody and to work for their release,” 21 October 2011,

Human Rights Watch, “Indonesia: military documents reveal unlawful spying in Papua,” 14 August 2011,

Human Rights Watch, “Indonesia: independent investigation needed into Papua violence,” 27 October 2011,

Jakarta Globe,“Dozens injured as Papua group declares independence from Indonesia,” 19 October 2011,

Jakarta Globe, “At Papuan Congress, a brutal show of force,” 22 October 2011,

Tapol, East Timor and Indonesia Action Network, West Papua Advocacy Team, “Indonesian crackdown on Papuan Congress sparks outrage,” 20 October 2011,

Video : Metro TV, “Polisi Buru Peserta Kongres Pendirian Negara Papua,» 19 October 2011,

Di update: 4 Januari 2013
