POLDA Papua named 19 suspects which includes Maikel Yaam (above) and MS (18 years old) from Insum village, (Aifat Selatan District) who was arrested by the police as well as 17 others (below) who are currently in police search list (Daftar Pencarian Orang, DPO) in relation to the attack of District Military Post in Aifat Selatan which killed 4 members of the Indonesian army. MS along with the 17 others were named by POLDA Papua’s Head of Public Relations, Adam Erwindi on 10th September 2021. The police also read out the charges for the 19 suspects which are Article 340 KUHP subsider Article 338 juncto Article 55 Paragraph 1/1E, dan Article 56 Paragraph 1/1E.



