Arrested on 31 August at around 8pm by plainclothes police at Plaza Indonesia, a shopping mall in Central Jakarta. He is a spokesperson for the Front Rakyat Indonesia untuk West Papua (Indonesian People’s Front for West Papua). Formed in 29 November 2016, FRI-WP is a network of non-Papuan Indonesian individuals and organisations across Indonesia that publicly declare their support for self-determination in West Papua. The support of non-Papuan Indonesians was, and remains, a significant development in the West Papuan self-determination struggle. FRI-WP holds protests along with West Papuan groups on West Papua’s commemorative days, during which they have been frequently beaten and/or arrested by Indonesian authorities. He becomes the first non-Papuan Indonesian ever charged with treason for the cause.

He was released on 27 May 2020 after completing his 9 month jail sentence.
