Polce Tsugomol is a farmer from Limau Asri village, who was suspected by police officers of being a member of the West Papua National Liberation Army. On 9 June, 2018 at 21:00 WIT, an officer from a combined Timika TNI/Polri team confronted Polce while he was walking towards his house. The officers did not produce either a warrant of arrest or detention. They led Polce to their vehicle which then continued on towards his house. Upon arrival at Polce’s house, the authorities forced Orpa Wanjomal, his stepmother, to retrieve some of his personal documents without showing a search warrant. The authorities also threatened Orpa at gunpoint to show Polce’s ammunition stores.

Polce Tsumogol and Orpa Wanjomal were then taken to the Mimika Regional Police station in separate vehicles. In addition to experiencing verbal and physical abuse, both were detained for several days without access to a lawyer. On June 11, 2018, police released Orpa Wanjomal. Polce remained in custody and was taken to the Mako Brimob station (the local headquarters of the Mobile Police Brigade) to undergo further investigation. After initial interrogation, conducted(without the presence of Polce’s attorney, police determined that Polce was a suspect for criminal possession of weapons without a permit. He remained in custody at the Mako Brimob Detachment B station in Timika. The notification letter for Polce’s detention was received by his family on 12 June, 2018.

Eyewitnesses identified personnel from the Antiterrorism Unit (Detachment 88 / Densus 88) as part of the team involved in the arrest and raid on 9 June. Detachment 88 personnel were identifiable by their  all-black uniforms and by the particular weapons that they carry. Jakob Rumbiak, a spokesman for the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP), stated the Joint Special Operations Command unit was involved in the raid (Koopssusgab, a joint military terrorism handling unit that is reports directly to the president).

On 13 June 2018, Polce was examined with legal representation present for the first time (from PAHAM Papua). PAHAM Papua also represented Titus Kwalik and Julianus Dekme, who were arrested a few hours after Polce. Police examined each man separately and used information from each against the other (simultaneously as witnesses and suspects). Although Polce has received legal accompaniment, access to his lawyers and to his family has been restricted by the authorities.

Polce Tsumogol’s examination lasted 3 months before the police delegated the case files to the Prosecutor’s Office. Polce’s lawyers did not receive notice of these procedural moves: neither from the Police to the Attorney General’s Office, nor from the Attorney General’s Office to the Court.

The first session of Polce Tsumogol hearing was held on 13 August 2018. The indictment hearing was postponed twice, and the prosecution hearing 3 times, respectively. On 4 December 2018, Polce Tsumogol was sentenced to 2 years in prison. He is currently serving his sentence in the Timika Correctional Institution.

Polce Tsugomol adalah seorang petani warga Kampung Limau Asri, yang oleh aparat kepolisian dicurigai sebagai anggota Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat. Pada 9 Juni 2018 pukul 21:00 WIT, gabungan aparat TNI/ Polri Timika menghadang Polce saat ia sedang berjalan menuju rumahnya di Jalan SP Dua. Tanpa menunjukkan surat pemberitahuan penangkapan dan penahanan, aparat menggiring Polce ke dalam mobil. Dirinya tetap dikawal ketat di dalam mobil, ketika kendaraan bermotor itu bergerak menuju rumahnya. Setibanya di rumah Polce, tanpa menunjukkan surat penggeledahan dari pengadilan, aparat memaksa Orpa Wanjomal, ibu tirinya, untuk mengambil dokumen miliknya. Orpa juga diancam dengan todongan senjata untuk menunjukkan tempat amunisi milik Polce yang disimpan di rumahnya.

Polce Tsumogol dan Orpa Wanjomal kemudian dibawa ke Polres Mimika dengan kendaraan terpisah. Selain mengalami kekerasan, keduanya ditahan beberapa hari tanpa pendampingan kuasa hukum mereka. Pada 11 Juni 2018, aparat kepolisian membebaskan Orpa Wanjomal, sedangkan Polce tetap ditahan dan dibawa ke Mako Brimob untuk menjalani pemeriksaan lanjutan. Setelah melalui interogasi awal, yang juga tidak menghadirkan penguasa hukum, polisi menetapkan Polce sebagai tersangka atas tindak pidana kepemilikan senjata tanpa ijin. Ia tetap ditahan di Mako Brimob Detazemen B Timika. Surat pemberitahuan penahanan Polce baru diterima pihak keluarganya pada 12 Juni 2018.

Menurut saksi mata, pasukan Antiteror, atau Densus 88, ikut dilibatkan pada penangkapan dan penggerebekan pada 9 Juni itu. Hal ini dilihat dari seragam serba hitam dan perlengkapan senjata yang dipakai aparat. Juru bicara United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP), Jakob Rumbiak, menyebut adanya keterlibatan unit Komando Operasi Khusus Gabungan, sebuah unit penanganan terorisme gabungan militer yang bertanggung jawab langsung kepada presiden, dalam peristiwa penggerebekan itu.

Pada 13 Juni 2018, untuk pertama kalinya, Polce diperiksa dengan pendampingan kuasa hukum PAHAM Papua. Selain dirinya, PAHAM Papua juga mendampingi Titus Kwalik dan Julianus Dekme yang tertangkap beberapa jam setelah Polce. Ketiganya diperiksa dengan metode pemeriksaan saksi mahkota, dimana masing-masing tersangka dijadikan saksi untuk tersangka lainnya. Meski Polce telah mendapat pendampingan secara hukum, namun akses pengacara serta keluarganya dibatasi oleh aparat.

Pemeriksaan terhadap Polce Tsumogol berlangsung 3 bulan, sebelum akhirnya pihak kepolisian melimpahkan berkas perkara ke Kejaksaan. Pelimpahan berkas perkara ini, baik dari Kepolisian ke Kejaksaan maupun Kejaksaan ke Pengadilan, tidak diinformasikan ke penguasa hukum. Sidang perdana Polce Tsumogol digelar pada 13 Agustus 2018, dengan penundaan sidang dakwaan 2 kali dan sidang tuntutan 3 kali.

Polce Tsugomol saat ini sedang menjalani hukumannya di rutan Lapas Timika. Sidang putusan Pengadilan Negeri Kota Timika memvonis Polce dengan hukuman 2 tahun penjara pada 4 Desember 2018.



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INDONESIA: Law enforcement in Papua must respect fair trial and due process principles



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