On 15 January 2019, Wene Bahabol, a farmer and KNPB member of the Sentani region residing in Sentani District, was arrested at BTN Purwodadi, Jayapura Regency City, at around 9:00 a.m., when the Jayapura Regional Police station was demolishing the ULMWP Representative Office for West Papua). Wene Bahabol, along with 9 residents of the ULMWP office, were arrested when they wanted to attend the inauguration of the ULMWP Representative Office.
The arrest process did not include an arrest warrant. While the 9 residents of the ULMWP office were released by the police, Wene was still detained because of the discovery of signs and ULMWP documents in the office.
Until now, Wene Bahabol is still in the process of being investigated, has the status of a suspect and is detained at the Jayapura police station detention center. He is alleged of violating the Electricity Law.
He was found guilty of stealing electricity and sentenced to 7 months in prison.